3. Промените и одржавајте смер аутомобила: Аутомобил се окреће у смеру у којем желите или се наставља кретати праволинијски под контролом возача. Ова функција се углавном изводи трењем и еластичношћугума rubber and the firmness of the гума structure. Once the speed is over when turning If you quickly exceed the limit of the гума, you will not be able to go in the direction you want to turn, which is very dangerous, so please pay attention to the speed when riding.
4. Alleviate the impact from the road surface: This is the so-called "driving comfort" performance, which can alleviate the bumpy impact caused by the uneven road surface. This function is mainly through the air volume and pressure in the гума, the elasticity of the rubber, and the structure of the гума. Elastic, so the гума pressure is too high or too low will not work, please maintain the appropriate гумапритиска.